Friday, January 22, 2016


Do you know anyone who turned water into wine, walked on water, died on the cross because of our sins? It’s Jesus my hero who lived from before time and will live on forever. Jesus came down from heaven to earth as a baby, he earth parents was Mary and joseph.

At the age of 12, he started preaching the word of his father in heaven God. But he began his minister at the age of 30. Jesus was a great guy, he held sick people, feed the hungry and died on the cross for you and me. Actually everyone on the planet, Jesus loves all of us.

A lot of people loved Jesus until today people still love him. Jesus also has enemies, too. In Biblical times, it was the scribes and Pharisees who hated Jesus. Even today, people are still questioning the Bible and Jesus. After Jesus died on the cross for our sins he died and rose again. That where Easter came from (resolution of Jesus Christ). He then walked with his disciple for 40 days. On His last day on Earth, He went up to live with His Father. He said that He would come back for us. In the meantime, He would give us His Holy Spirit to live inside every believer.
Apart from moms ordinary hero. Jesus Christ is the biggest hero from the all. He has done a lot of things for people and he is the boss. Because he cared about us he gave his life for us to life, he could have said ''NO'' but he got crucified for us to live but no parish in hell. Even if god is not always there to tell us what to do, but the bible helps us to understand the truth way that Jesus wants us to follow. I follow Jesus because I know he is a great person he never sinned, his's perfect, never sinned. I believe we should all follow him because he is a great role model and a hero. Without Jesus in your life, your life is nothing.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Why do we need heroes.

From years and years, we had heroes for many different things from different countries.  A hero is someone that take risks to save other. As we know my previous post presents all the heroes that participated are risked their life so this world could be a better place. Man and woman who stood up for the right action.

The big question is ''Why do we need heroes'' we need heroes because some people are born with talents and better life qualities than the other, we need heroes because heroes pick up people when they are down and don't know what to do. Heroes give up hope and something to look up for. Everyone have the model and their model is a hero because they are inspiring them to become something in life. Not only heroes do those things but they also deliver the justice, they look forward to obtaining peace and not war. Hero motivates people in the different. Thus having heroes will also add the value of life for this people.  Basically, there is that one hero that existed before all this great hero.

The best hero of all time is MOM, Mom is our first hero. Mon would sacrifice everything just to make sure we eat and have everything we need and she is always there for us from birth to marriage, no matter what happens she is always there. Moms are the best because they are their thought hard time of life. Someone who doesn't have the support and love from their mom can't feel the same way someone who has a mother. Without mom life wouldn't be the same. I am concluding by saying we need a hero to support us and motivate us through the hard and fun time of life. We also learn from our heroes so we can teach other because heroes do not live forever.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My story

During the Year when Rosa Parks lost her job and apartment, she moved to Detroit Michigan to start a new life with her husband. When she got to Detroit she started writing books about her story. One of her story that captured my attention was ''My story''.

At the beginning of the book Rosa talks about how life was in Tuskegee Alabama, how was life living as an African American, she also talks about family and her religion.  She also spoke about how the color of skin was a big problem among the society. White kids were separated from the black kids, sometimes in schools. As a kid, Rosa wasn't easily bullied by other kids because she knew how to stand up for herself. As a young woman, she quickly met her husband Raymond Parks. Raymond was the one that got Rosa involved in the civil rights (make a change in the society).

 In the middle of her book, she talks about how she got arrested for not giving up her seat in the public bus and the difficulties she passed those after her arrest. The Monday following her arrest most of the African American refused to ride the buses. That fact that most of the population didn't ride the bus, it affected the bus system (money).  This went on for weeks, but it also affected how people couldn't go to their jobs early, most of the black Africans got fired and lost their jobs.

 At the end of the book, she talks about how the new life is, how it was hard for white to accept the fact that they are now equal with black people. Later on, it was hard for Rosa and her family to find jobs but they came up with their own organization called Rosa Raymond. They had made their own little job.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Rosa Parks

Image result for rosa parksRose Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her refusal to surrender her seat to white passengers on a Montgomery, Alabama bus spurred. Black people who lived in that city had to give up their seats for white people, but she refused. On December 1, 1955, after long days work a Montgomery department store, where she worked as a seamstress, she took a bus to go home. She took a seat in the first of seven rows designated for non ''colored'' passengers. However she didn't have the right to be in the specified row, or they have to give up their seat whenever a white person comes.

As the bus was riding continued on the route, it began to fill with white passengers. Eventually, the bus was full and the driver saw that  there were a lot of white passengers were standing in the aisle. He stopped the bus and moved the sign separating the two sections back one row and asked four black passengers to give up their seats. Three complied, but Rosa refused and remained seated. The driver demanded, "Why don't you stand up?" to which Rosa replied, "I don't think I should have to stand up." The driver called the police and had her arrested. Later, Rosa recalled that her refusal wasn't because she was physically tired, but that she was tired of giving in. But she never gives up on trying to ha the equality. 

Although she had became a symbol of the civil right movement. Rose suffered hardship on the months following her arrest in Montgomery. She lost her department store job and her husband was fired, after his boss heard about his wife and their legal case. After a year of no work, the couple decided to leave Montgomery and moved to Detroit, Michigan. Her life came better she started working and writing books about freedom. Rosa published Rosa Parks: My Story, an autobiography recounting her life in the segregated South. In 1995, she published Quiet Strength which includes her memoirs and focuses on the role that religious faith played throughout her life.

Rose is a hero because she accepted to lose her job, and lose everything but to keep her seat. When she refused to give up the seat, she knew she was going to get arrested, she kept her seat. though the book she wrote it help people understanding why human have to be equal. She also spends her entire focusing on saving the other black woman and men.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, and died at the age of 56 on the 4th day of March 1809. Lincoln was the president of the United States for four years from 1861 to 1865. Abram Lincoln is remembered for the role he took as a leader in preserving the connection during the civil war. He is also remembered for his character, his speeches, and letters, and as a man of humble origins whose, determination and perseverance led him to the nation's highest office.

 Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite heroes because he guided the United States of America through some of hardest times. He had no one to help him make the decisions that he made. Without his leadership through the Civil War, millions of people, who lives in the USA now, would be in the Confederate States of America. He also lived through many hard personal problems. Three of his sons died before they reached adulthood, and both of his parents died while Abraham was still young.

 Lincoln also had other accomplishments that made him heroic. He fought for the freedom of African-Americans. Without him, slavery might still be practiced in what would have been the Confederacy. The first step to civil rights for African-Americans was his signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. The process was later continued by people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks. My final reason for choosing Abraham Lincoln as my hero is that he never gave up in the difficult days of his life. He continuously tried to achieve his goals. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln has earned the right to be considered as a hero.